Friday, March 5, 2010

Plateau of Iran

Zagors Mountains

If you want to go here than you can find it Iran and Iraq. The length of these mountains are 932 ft. Two of the highest points are Zard Kuh and Mt. Dena. Zard Kuh is 4548m and Mt. Dena is 4359 m. You will be able to find limestone.

Extra Credit test my Madi A

  1. What does the Sea of Marmara separate?

  2. HOw many miles deep is the Sea of Marmara?

  3. Is the Dead Sea salty or fresh water?

  4. Can water flow outof the Dead Sea?

  5. What are two bordering countries of the Persian Gulf?

  6. What is the Persian Gulf also reffered to as?

  7. What three countries share the Euphrates and Tigris rivers?

  8. What climate do the Euphrates and Tigris rivers have?

  9. How many miles wide is the Red Sea?

  10. How many miles long is the Red Sea?

  11. What country did the name Jordan originate from?

  12. How low is the Jordan Rivers deepest point?

  13. The Persian Gulf has many whats?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Rub al-Khali Desert

When we were here is was hot, and very large. The Rub al-Khali Desert is one of the largest sand deserts in the world.
It is 250,000 sq. miles. The temperatures can get us high as 114 degrees F. When we tried to climb a sand dune we estimated that it was 1,100 ft in the air. Another name for it is The Empty Quarter.

trip route

click here to see the map of our trip.http://

Negev Desert

Negev Desert is in Israel. It is 4,700 sq mi. Try walking that long it was tiring. One thing out guide told us was that the Negev is a rocky desert. The average rainfall here is zero. Also that Negev is Hebrew for 'dry'.

Syrian Desert

Syrian Desert is hot. It is half steppe and half true desert. If you want to go here it's in Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia. If your asking how old is the desert I can answer that question. The Syrian Desert was there in the 1st century B.C. A major supply line for Iraq is there. The origian of the Syrian Desert is Syrian hamster.

Mount Ararat

Mount Ararat has a dormant volcano. Mount Ararat is 16,854 ft tall so don't try to climb it. People said that Noah'a ark is at the top of this mountain. I'm reseaching Mount Ararat and it says that it has not been active seen the 3rd millennium B.C. If you want to go there you have to travel 10 mins west of Iranian and 20 mins south of the Armenian border.

Taurus Mountains

We went to the Taurus Mountains. The Taurus Mountains are 10,000 - 12,000ft tall. We climbed to 300ft, but we went back down. When we were down we saw this weird stuff that turned out to be limestone because of the waterfalls and underground rivers. We went there because of there sking resorts. They have the sking resorts because the mountains are never free from snow. The sking resorts are hard to find because they are in the southern and eastern part of Turkey.

Monday, March 1, 2010

jordan river

The Jordan River Is the name of one of my closest friends I was very happy to go there. It is located in Jordan and Isreal, well of course it is located in Jordan anyone could guess that i mean look at the name of it. I just had to ask how long it was and the man said that it was 156 miles long that is a lot but I have seen longer. It doesnt surprise me that much wait........ not at all. This man would not shut he just kept talking and talking, one thing I got out of the sentences that flowed all together was that the name originated from Greece. He also said that The Jordan River is a major provider of water. Thats whats up Jordan keep the water Flowing. Its deepest point is about 17 feet. That is a little weak but still cool if you ask me. which you did because i wouldnt be writing this blog if you didnt. Right Mr. Rasmussen. Hahaha Got ya.

Red Sea

When we went to the red sea I had decided that we had seen enough water and that I didnt want to see it anymore. But Madison said that she thinks that I should go see it because it is very interesting and that she had learned a lot about the Red Sea. So I went and I was mad so all I did was ask questions one after the other. " How long is it" 1,400 miles". She was as nice as she could be because when I get mad everybody gets mad. " How wide is it"It is 221 Miles long" Wow that is really wide if you think about it. It may not be the widest but it really is wide. "Who found it first" The Egyptians found it first". I think that Egyptians are really cool. It lies between arid desert, and semi desert. I wish I lied between a desert. Im just kidding I would be pretty hot. The lady said that the depth was 2,211 miles deep. I can only swim in 10 feet image me out there that would be the scariest thing ever.

Tigris and Euphrates Rivers

When I went to the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers I learned a lot of information that I would have never dreamed of learning. Like for example the Ecozone is Palearctic. I didnt even know what that ment before I got there I didnt even know that was a word. Another fact that I learned is that the Tigris and Euphrates River is shared By Turkey, Syria, and Iraq. Wow when I want something I want it all I dont want to share it with anyone. Mine mine mine mine!!!!!! Before we went there we wanted to know what kind of climate we were dealing with and they have a subtropical climate for the most part. And that was good enough for us. There sources are 50 miles away. They get there water from fresh water lakes, and swamps. This stop was one of my personal favorites.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Persian Gulf

I like the name of the Persian Gulf I wanted to go there first because of the name. Some people might call that wierd but i call it a good reason to go somewhere first. We went to eat in this tourist attraction by it and they had facts on the napkins it was wierd but a good way to teach people if they like to read napkins.They said that the persian gulf is sometimes reffered to as the Arabian Gulf and it is shallow with many islands. The largest island is Bahrain. It is located in the south west region of Asia. It is bordered by Oman, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, and Iran.

Dead Sea

When I went to the Dead Sea I loved salt but when I left I had enough salt. The Dead Sea is the second saltiest body of water in the world. It is not really a sea it is a salty lake. When I found about that it made me wonder what in the world would make a person name a lake a sea. I think they were trying to confuse people and that is nice at all. Cleopatra loved the Dead Sea so much, she ordered that cosmetic factories and resorts be built along its shores. Yeah this is what I heard its pretty funny if you ask me. The dead sea is super bitter and not at all like table salt. That is a good thing maybe I will go back to liking salt but I dont care if I dont it is not healthy anyway well not too much of it. Water flows into the Dead Sea from streams and rivers, but does not flow out. How does that happen because if there is an opening shouldnt water be able to go in and out. Man science is confusing!!!!!!!!!

Sea of Marmara

When we went to the sea of Marmara it was very fun. It was a great adventure and I hope that I can go back one day. We had a lady show us around the area that we toured and she gave us so many interesting facts. First she told us that it is a northeastern extension of the Mediterranean Sea. The first thing that crossed my mind was that there is a lot of water in the world. It separartes Asian Turkey and European Turkey..... I didnt know that they shared Turkey!!!!! It is also known as the Marmara Sea makes since to me. And then I thought of the question that should cross everybody's mind " What is the area and how deep is it?" The Sea of Marmara has the area of 11,350 km and it is 3,370 miles deep. WWWWOOOOWWWW that is longer than I can walk in a day!!!!!!! Maybe two days yeah im a little lazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!