Friday, February 26, 2010

Persian Gulf

I like the name of the Persian Gulf I wanted to go there first because of the name. Some people might call that wierd but i call it a good reason to go somewhere first. We went to eat in this tourist attraction by it and they had facts on the napkins it was wierd but a good way to teach people if they like to read napkins.They said that the persian gulf is sometimes reffered to as the Arabian Gulf and it is shallow with many islands. The largest island is Bahrain. It is located in the south west region of Asia. It is bordered by Oman, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, and Iran.

Dead Sea

When I went to the Dead Sea I loved salt but when I left I had enough salt. The Dead Sea is the second saltiest body of water in the world. It is not really a sea it is a salty lake. When I found about that it made me wonder what in the world would make a person name a lake a sea. I think they were trying to confuse people and that is nice at all. Cleopatra loved the Dead Sea so much, she ordered that cosmetic factories and resorts be built along its shores. Yeah this is what I heard its pretty funny if you ask me. The dead sea is super bitter and not at all like table salt. That is a good thing maybe I will go back to liking salt but I dont care if I dont it is not healthy anyway well not too much of it. Water flows into the Dead Sea from streams and rivers, but does not flow out. How does that happen because if there is an opening shouldnt water be able to go in and out. Man science is confusing!!!!!!!!!

Sea of Marmara

When we went to the sea of Marmara it was very fun. It was a great adventure and I hope that I can go back one day. We had a lady show us around the area that we toured and she gave us so many interesting facts. First she told us that it is a northeastern extension of the Mediterranean Sea. The first thing that crossed my mind was that there is a lot of water in the world. It separartes Asian Turkey and European Turkey..... I didnt know that they shared Turkey!!!!! It is also known as the Marmara Sea makes since to me. And then I thought of the question that should cross everybody's mind " What is the area and how deep is it?" The Sea of Marmara has the area of 11,350 km and it is 3,370 miles deep. WWWWOOOOWWWW that is longer than I can walk in a day!!!!!!! Maybe two days yeah im a little lazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!